If you stumbled across my website, chances are you are considering the services of a professional website designer.
The Investment
Before we chat about IF you should invest in a professional website, let’s talk a little bit about the actual investment.
These days it may cost you hundreds to tens of thousands for a professional website. That’s a huge variance in price point and not all designers or developers are created equal.
It’s important to know what exactly a designer or developer is offering you in exchange for your hard-earned money. Also, as with most things in life, you usually get what you pay for.
With a larger investment, you should expect more guidance and strategy from your designer. Rather than someone that just builds a site to your specifications, you will get their expert advice related to your business.
When to Hire a Professional Website Designer
So how do you know if you are ready to hire a professional website designer?
My general recommendation is to wait until 1 to 2 years into your business. I have a few reasons for this, so let’s discuss them now.
Who – You Understand your Ideal Client
When you first start out in business, you should have an idea about who your ideal client is. However, it’s only when you start your business, that you really understand who it is you are attracting and why.
Through doing the work, you learn who is a great fit for you and who is maybe not so great a fit. But it’s only through on the job experience that you will get this sort of clarity.
A professional website should be built to attract your ideal client – if you aren’t sure who you want to attract yet then it may not be the best time to invest in a dream site.
What – You’ve Clarified your Offerings
In the beginning, you are often willing to take on any project to make ends meet, gain experience and build a portfolio of work.
Once your business starts to get some traction, you should be able to afford the luxury of picking which projects align with your vision and values.
Also, you hopefully will have come to peace with your worth and be able to position yourself at a higher price point because of your experience.
Clarity on what you offer and for how much is so important in your web design.
How – You have a Streamlined Process
At the start, we are just figuring things out. Building a business takes time and streamlining how you serve your clients takes time.
From a customer’s perspective, it’s scary to take a leap of faith and contact someone about their services.
Now, imagine if they could see and read first hand your exact process. It would take any fear or anxiety of the unknown out of the equation.
By posting your process on your website, prospective clients will understand exactly what it’s like to work with you and they are much more likely to be in touch!
Why – You know what sets you Apart
Why should customers choose you over your competition? This is another question that just takes a little time to figure out.
If you’re anything like me, when you first start out you may feel like a bit of an imposter. You play the comparison game and see all your flaws instead of all of the great reasons why someone would want to choose you.
As your business grows along with your confidence, it becomes easier to see what makes you different and why you’re the right person for the job.
Also, you probably have collected testimonials from past clients, possibly some press or awards and maybe a body of work to present as case studies. These elements build trust and tell website visitors why they should work with you.
Still not sure if a Professional Website is for you?

Many designers, myself included, would be happy to discuss your project with you. I offer complimentary consults through my contact page to help you if you’re feeling stuck.
Get in touch – I’d love to hear from you!