You’ve launched your website and have a client capturing contact page. All that’s left is a marketing strategy to get web traffic and convert it into leads. Sounds simple enough right?
But, how do you actually drive people to your website?
If you are like most business owners (me included!), you are probably trying to juggle a lot! From Facebook to Instagram, Pinterest and SEO, YouTube and InstaStories, email marketing, blogging, networking and conferences, the list goes on and on and on…
Of all the marketing channels you are using to grow your business, can you confidently say you’ve optimized any of them? By optimizing I mean you’ve tested and tweaked to the point where you are getting the most out of those channels.
If you are anything like me, the answer is probably no. You are feeling the urge to get yourself known and put your name out anywhere & everywhere. You’re juggling content creation and social media feeds. Search engine optimization and Google rankings are always in the back of your mind. You’ve been attending events to meet potential clients or partners. On top of it all, you are trying to serve the few clients you do have in the best way possible but it’s not enough.
Firstly, can we all admit that this “spray and pray” approach is exhausting? Doing everything is the complete opposite of a marketing strategy. It’s not a master plan.
Secondly, when you are trying to do everything it’s almost impossible to do anything right. The idea of getting maximum impact out of ANY channel seems a distant dream.
So for 2019, I’m shifting my marketing strategy and here’s why.
I’ve heard countless times from many marketers, online business experts and other entrepreneurs that the secret to generating consistent leads for your business is by picking one method and doing it well.
Let’s look at an analogy that made this concept crystal clear to me earlier this year.
Imagine your business is an island and your potential customers are on the mainland. There are no bridges, tunnels or boats and it’s too far to swim. You know you can solve their biggest problem if only they could get to you.
Do you start building 10 bridges simultaneously? Or, do you start building 1?
Hopefully, you picked the second option. If you focus on 1 bridge – or marketing channel – and build it right, the result should be a steady flow of customers to your business in the quickest amount of time.
However, if you attempt to do all the things and build 10 bridges simultaneously, it will take so much longer to get a steady stream of clients your way.
And so, my approach to marketing my design studio in 2019 will be to simplify my marketing channels and amplify my efforts to get the most out of them for my business.